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I went to the best birthday party ever! Little Master D turned one & celebrated surrounded by friends and family on a beautiful sunny afternoon! It was an afternoon filled with starfish sammies, sailors brew, a bouncy castle, nautical bunting, laughter, smiles and plenty of giggles.... such fun! Here are a few shots of the big day! Happy birthday again D! To View More >>

On Samoa's Upolu Island is a beach called Return to Paradise, originally made famous by Gary Cooper in the 1953 movie of the same name... now its famous for its idylic beauty, the white sand, palm tree lined coastline and turquoise waters. The only resort on the beach aptly named Return to Paradise Resort & Spa is newly opened, and has everything you dream of. It has a beautiful lagoon, sparkling white sandy beaches, dazzling marine life, colourful coral, pools, a beachside bar where sandyfeet are welcome, delicious meals and luxurious accomodation. I had the absolute pleasure To View More >>

This was such a lovely session with Jenna and Paul! The best was that it meant I finally got to put together Jenna's maternity series photo - damn this wonderful woman has rocked her pregnancy! This has felt like the loooongest pregnancy ever - we took the first image in the series at 13 weeks and the last at 39 weeks - I've been so excited to put together & I'm so pleased with how it turned out! We braved the icy wind the other evening (I did feel guilty as I smoothed away goosebumps) and got some wonderful shots that capture this special time not to mention the love To View More >>

I have eleventy million blog posts to write but since I'm new to this whole blogging lark I'm battling to get them all done, I thought I'd start playing catch up from my most recent adventure to get the ball rolling! First of all a massive thank you to everyone that shared & commented on the 150gram images - we have all been humbled by the support given to us (especially the patients). I am pleased to be able to report that one month on both are doing really well! If the images and post start the conversation between just one family that wouldn't have entertained the idea of organ To View More >>

For most people 150 grams isn't very much - its a cup of blueberries, fifteen $2 coins or a large apple. Recently I discovered the true value of 150 grams - a future, quality of life and one of the greatest gifts one person can give to another. 150 grams was the weight of my Mother's kidney. It is now the weight of Dean's only functional kidney. Dean was in end stage kidney failure, dialysing almost daily, struggling to get through every day battling constant pain, nausea & exhaustion and facing the fact that without a kidney transplant he would die. My mother and I had no hesitation To View More >>