Recent posts

I have eleventy million blog posts to write but since I'm new to this whole blogging lark I'm battling to get them all done, I thought I'd start playing catch up from my most recent adventure to get the ball rolling! First of all a massive thank you to everyone that shared & commented on the 150gram images - we have all been humbled by the support given to us (especially the patients). I am pleased to be able to report that one month on both are doing really well! If the images and post start the conversation between just one family that wouldn't have entertained the idea of organ To View More >>

Those that know me will be well aware that beautiful Samoa is my happy place in the world. The warmth, the sand between my toes, the crystal clear water not to mention the fantastic people! I'm lucky enough to be heading over there (again) this evening - this time with more of a purpose than just relaxing, sipping cocktails and catching up with friends! This trip I am delivering postcards to Le Manumea a fantastic resort in Vailima & taking more photos of their wonderful island night! I am also beyond excited that I have been asked to photograph the newly opened luxury resort at Return To View More >>